Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 3, 2008 Aromatherapy

Spring is just around the corner! As I was writing my article for the Neighbourhood Express I was reminded of the different seasons and how the use of essential oils is appropriate with each season. Sunburn, insect bites and stings, repelling insects, and cuts and scrapes are only a few of the spring and summer maladies that we can use essential oils to soothe. I like to include a recipe or two in the article to assist everyone in using their essential oils. You will find the article on my website.

Aromatherapy exams were completed last weekend. It is such a pleasure working with the students and viewing their progress. The case studies indicated the pleasure of the recipients is experiencing essential oils.

I have taught a one day course on using essential oils for home and personal use for many years. It has been very popular as not everyone is interested in becoming a certified aromatherapist. For convenience I have put that course into CD and booklet format for home study. Everyone can feel competent in using essential oils for prevention purposes for home use.

Carole Collins RMT, CPA, BMsc, QBT

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